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How to check PDF417, Code128 or Code39 barcode?

PDF417, Code128 and Code39 barcodes

Why do I need to check PDF417 barcodes?

All services, sites, brokers, banks, insurance and betting companies validate the documents provided to them for verification. How so? In addition to visual checks, they also read all barcodes on the document.

Each country or state has their own format for barcodes. Moreover, each document type has own PDF417 Barcode format and, even more, exactly same Driver License can have different revisions, with own PDF417 format. That’s why you always need to check barcodes before using them on your documents.

PDF417, Code128 and Code39 barcode checkers

How to check PDF417 and Code128 barcodes?

On this page, We have prepared for your guides on how to check the barcodes with most relevant apps and solutions: Scandit, Regula, InLite and so on. You should always check your barcodes with at least one checker.

All our barcodes are valid and can be verified with any Barcode Scanner. Here we collected for you guides on how to validate the barcodes with the most convenient and popular scanners.

Regula Logo

How to check barcodes in Regula?

Here is our ultimate guide how you can check barcodes in Regula.

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Scandit Logo

How to check barcodes in Scandit?

Here is our ultimate guide how you can check barcodes in Scandit.

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Inlite Logo

How to check barcodes on InLite website?

Here is our ultimate guide how you can check barcodes on InLite website.

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Generate PDF417, Code 128 and MRZ for DL, ID, Passport, VISA